Thursday, November 26, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple-Melaka

Cheng Hoon Teng temple is one of the oldest Chinese temple in Malaysia. It was built in the early 1700s.

This is the temple I used to follow my grandma to pray when I was a child. The main door used to have a pair of wooden Chinese lions guarding the door and inside the mouth of the lion is a round wooden ball which I used to play with.

Restoration works are being carried out in some parts of the temple. For more information about the temple please visit the temple website

Cheng Hoon Teng Temple -Melaka

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

View of Melaka river

Historic City of Melaka

The view of the famous clock tower and the Queen Victoria fountain.
The area surrounding is a tourist hot spot and is the most photograph and visited site in Melaka.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Down memory lane
When I was a boy, we used to live on the
first floor of this corner house which it's back is
facing the Melaka river.

I used to sit at our window in the evening
to watch the fishing boat going out to the sea
and also the tug boat or 'tongkang' crawling up
and down the river carrying rice and other
commodity. Late at night, we can hear the noise fishing boats returning after their catch.

During the school holidays, which is in December,
there will be many kites flying up in the sky.Just
miss the good old times when I was young.
Sunset view of Tanjong Bungah

The beautiful view from our hotel room looking
out to the sea during our holiday trip up in
Penang a few months back.

Chilli Plant

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fun in baking bread

Have you tried baking a loaf of bread? It's fun baking a loaf of bread and enjoying the fruit of your labour. This is not my first time trying, although I must admit the first was a total disaster. The second time was a bit better but not what I had expected and after much searching for recipes on bread making and I finally managed to get one from the internet which was a success.

Yesterday, I tried baking bread for the forth time and it tasted good! Had fun with the mess I left in the kitchen!

Living and enjoying life in Malaysia.

The difficult time of economic recession has hit us badly with businesses slowing down and companies doing badly. Well as the saying goes "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going"! We shall withstand the difficult challenges.Things are not that bad and we are still enjoying life here.